This is after I had fixed the inner cab corner. Some time with card board to make some templates and then a little simple bead rolling got it looking like new. Unfortunately my welder died during this and that's why it looks like unfinished welds on the right side.
Three months later I got my welder back and it seems to be working like new. I decided do this repair using several pieces because I don't have the skills to make in a single piece. I tried to hammer form the corner in one piece and it took quite a bit of time and effort to see that I still need to work on these skills.
Here is it finished.
I started on the drivers side also... I knew this one was going to be significantly more difficult because it had more damage.
I got part of it done using the same techniques I used on the passenger side.
Neither side is perfect, but is all metal.
I still have the actual corner piece left on the drivers side and I be working on that soon.
Have a good one!